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Quick Start Introduction.Chief Architect x7 Users Guide | PDF | Installation (Computer Programs) | Framing (Construction)
This means that a variety of developers can build their own models and add-ons for SketchUp, resulting in an ever-growing number of resources that can be accessed for users. The program is a more generalized tool for virtual model-making in 2D and 3D, for everything from architecture and interior design to 3D printing.
Its cloud and desktop-based use options make it a more accessible Chief Architect alternative. As a fully cloud-based 2D and 3D design program, it is the most accessible software of the three. It offers the perks of specialization found in Chief Architect while expanding on the simplicity of SketchUp.
Cedreo offers the highest level of user-friendliness, eliminating the learning curve for busy home builders, remodelers, and interior designers. Cedreo is the only 3D home design software that enables the completion of entire home designs in under 2 hours. It allows designers to create detailed floor plans and full interior designs with no special training or version access necessary. The program can also generate top-quality renderings of complete 3D models from interior and exterior views in just 5 minutes.
It does have a proprietary library of models and materials, which is continuously updated. Costs for 3D modeling and design software can add up quickly, making pricing an important consideration when selecting the right program for your business.
Each software here offers different pricing models, which can work for different budgets. Cedreo is by and far the most feature-rich program of the three, with the ability to easily draw 2D and 3D floor plans, generate 3D renderings, and seamlessly work from existing plans and templates. Chief Architect comes out as the least versatile option and most difficult to use, although it does provide considerable value via its detailed AutoCAD and BIM tools.
Our review of Chief Architect vs SketchUp and Cedreo found that all three companies offer fairly extensive customer support options. They have an in-depth knowledge base filled with tutorial articles, as well as videos on another section of their site. There is also a forum where users can discuss and resolve issues. Live phone support is available as well, but only for users with an active Support and Software Assurance, which expires after one year.
SketchUp has the weakest support of the three softwares, with most of it being self-guided. There is a community forum, a help center with informative articles, and free courses that teach the fundamentals of the program.
Much like Chief Architect, phone support is available only for Pro subscribers with current Maintenance and Support subscriptions. Cedreo is the frontrunner, offering robust support through various channels.
This includes live customer support via phone, e-mail, and chat, as well as live training sessions with dedicated managers for Pro and Enterprise users. Floor planning is an essential part of construction documentation, but not all of these softwares handle it with ease.
You can also apply materials to objects in 3D views using the Material Painter tool. You can replace a library object in your plan with a different item from the library using the Replace From Library edit button. This can be particularly helpful if you have multiple copies of the same object throughout the plan, as you might with a fixture like a sink or toilet, and would like to replace them all at once.
To replace a library object 1. Select one of the Replacement Options to replace the current object only, all identical objects in the room, or all identical objects on the current floor. Click the Library button to select a replacement item from the library.
Using the tools and techniques learned so far, place fixtures in the bathrooms on Floors 1 and 2. Applying Room Moldings In Chief Architect, you can specify base, crown and chair rail moldings for any room. The library contains a selection of molding profiles; and in addition, you can create your own.
For more information, see Trim and Molding on page of the Reference Manual. To add crown molding to a room Moldings can be added in floor plan or any camera view.
So that you can see the results more quickly, begin by creating a camera view of the master bedroom. See To create a camera view on page 40 for information about using the Full Camera. Click the Select Objects button or press the Spacebar, then click in a blank space on the floor of the room to select it.
In the Select Library Object dialog, either search or browse to find a chair rail profile that you like. When you find one, select it and click OK. If you wish, you can specify the Height and Width of the selected molding. In this tutorial, a Height of 2 inches is specified.
Select "Chair Rail" from the Type drop-down list. Set this value to 32" inches. Click OK to close the Room Specification dialog. Crown moldings can be applied to a room in the same manner. Base moldings are already applied in most room types by default, but can be edited, removed or added here, as well. Applying Wall Coverings Wall coverings can be used in addition to a walls surface material to create accents like wallpaper borders or wainscoting.
For more information about wall coverings, see Wall Materials on page of the Reference Manual. To apply a wall covering 1. Select the master bedroom and click the Open Object Specification dialog. On the Wall Covering panel:. Select an appropriate material for your wall covering, and click OK. In this example, a Natural Beadboard material is used. Additional wall covering materials can be downloaded into the Manufacturer Catalogs. Creating a Trey Ceiling There are several different ways to create a trey ceiling in Chief Architect: Polyline Solids, Primitive objects, and even Soffits can be used to create the lowered ceiling surfaces.
Creating a room within a room is another method that works well for some styles of trey ceiling. To create a trey ceiling with fan 1.
Select a ceiling fan in the Library Browser and place it near the middle of the master bedroom. For information about how to do this, see To use the Library Search to locate a symbol and place it in the plan on page Specify the Number of Sides as 8, and the Side Length to 48".
Click OK, and then click near the center of the ceiling fan to create the polygon shaped room. The program automatically creates an invisible wall to prevent the new room from becoming an island room.
For more information, see Room Definition on page of the Reference Manual. Click the Open Object edit tool to open the Wall Specification dialog. Next, select the small octagonal room and open its Room Specification dialog. On the General panel, uncheck Show Room Label. Also on the Structure panel, click the Ceiling Finish button, and change the surface material in the Ceiling Finish Definition dialog. Go to the Moldings panel:. Uncheck Default, then click the Add New button to open the Select Library Object dialog and choose a crown molding profile.
Create a 3D view to see the results. If you would like, you can continue adding interior elements from the Library Browser before continuing to work on this plan in the Kitchen and Bath Design Tutorial. This tutorial continues where the Interior Design Tutorial left off. You should save this tutorial using a new name to archive your previous work. The tools and techniques used to design kitchens and bathrooms are very similar. This tutorial focuses on kitchen design. When youre finished you can use what youve learned to finish up the bathrooms as well.
Click to place a base cabinet anywhere in the kitchen. To select and edit a cabinet 1. Cabinets can be selected using one of the following methods. Click on the cabinet while the Select Objects. Click on the cabinet while any of the Cabinet Tools are active. Right-click on the cabinet when another tool is active. When the cabinet is selected, edit handles, a front indicator, and a temporary dimension display.
As with other objects, the arrow that displays when the pointer is held over an edit handle indicates what edit function that edit handle will perform. Move edit handle Extend edit handle. Move a cabinet using the Move edit handle. By default, you can move a cabinet parallel to its sides or its front and back edges.
To allow unrestricted movement, hold down the Ctrl key or click and drag using the right mouse button. Resize two sides of a cabinet using a Resize edit handle, located in each corner.
Extend a cabinets edge on one side using an Extend edit handle. Rotate a cabinet using the Rotate edit handle, which is always offset to one side. A temporary dimension updates as the cabinet is moved or resized. When a cabinet is selected, you can also click the Open Object edit button to open its specification dialog and make a wide variety of changes to the cabinet. To lay out base cabinets for this tutorial 1. Place and position six base cabinets and edit their widths as shown in the following image:.
Two of the cabinets are 36", two are 24" wide, one is 33" and one is 27" wide. A cabinet snaps to another if they are in alignment, facing the same direction, and of the same type. Note: The display of cabinet module lines has been turned on in the following images.
See Displaying Cabinets on page of the Reference Manual for more information. On the General panel: Specify a Width greater than the Depth. The selected cabinets width should already have been changed to 36", which works well with a 24" depth. If it isnt, change it to 36" now. Click the Special drop-down list and select "Corner". On the Front panel, uncheck the box beside Diagonal Door. Click OK to change the cabinet into a corner cabinet.
With the cabinet still selected, use its Rotate edit handle to rotate it so its back faces the wall corner if necessary. A different approach can be used to create a corner cabinet in the right corner. Begin by selecting the cabinet on the right and pressing the Delete key or clicking the Delete edit button. When the cabinet preview changes to a corner cabinet, click once. Uncheck Diagonal Door for this new cabinet as described in step 2, above.
To move a row of cabinets, select one cabinet, then click and drag the Move edit handle towards the other cabinets. The selected cabinet will push the others. Click above the left corner base cabinet to place a wall cabinet as shown. On the Moldings panel, click the Add New button to add crown molding to the cabinet. For more details, see To add crown molding to a room on page Click OK to apply these changes to the wall cabinet.
Click the Reflect About Object edit button. Move your mouse pointer into the center of the room so that the room becomes highlighted. When you see a dashed vertical line running through the center of the room, click once.
The dashed line is a reflection axis, and a copy of the cabinet will be created on the opposite side of the kitchen, aligned with the original. Note: The display of cabinet face indicator lines has been turned on in the following images. With the wall cabinets in place, you may want to add soffits to enclose the space between them and the ceiling. To place soffits 1. Adjust their width and orientation to match the wall cabinets below. When objects are very close to one another or occupy the same vertical space in floor plan view, it may be difficult to select the intended object.
You can select an objects, then click the Select Next Object edit button or press the Tab key to select a neighboring object. The Status Bar indicates which object is currently selected. Placing Appliances Appliances come in two basic varieties, freestanding and built-in.
For more information about library objects such as appliances, see The Library on page of the Reference Manual. On the left side of the kitchen, click in the empty space below the base corner cabinet to place the refrigerator. In the Appliances catalog, find an electric range and place it in the empty space on the right side of the kitchen. In this example, the Self Rimming Offset 32" sink is used. Click on the base cabinet near the top of the screen that is 33" wide to insert the sink into that cabinet.
Only one front mounted fixture can be inserted in this manner. Additional front fixtures can be added in the Cabinet Specification dialog. For more information, see Front Panel on page of the Reference Manual. Editing Cabinets and Appliances Like most objects, cabinets and appliances can also be edited in their own specification dialogs. This method allows a higher degree of customization than using just the edit handles.
To edit cabinets in the Cabinet Specification dialog 1. Select the cabinet to the left of the sink and click the Open Object edit button to open the Base Cabinet Specification dialog. Click on the upper separation between the countertop and the drawer in the preview image on the right side of the dialog. Notice that clicking anywhere on the preview takes you to the Front panel. A new Cutting Board face item, as well as a new Separation, will be added below the separation hat you selected.
Shelves can also be specified for a cabinet with an opening. These steps can be used to create a wide variety of cabinet front configurations, such as a bank of drawers. To edit appliances in the Fixture Specification dialog 1. Select the refrigerator and click the Open Object Specification dialog. On the General panel, change the Depth to Finally, add some narrow base cabinets to fill in the gaps beside the appliances. You can also add a wall cabinet and soffit above the range.
Creating a Cabinet Island A cabinet island with custom countertop can also be created using the Cabinet Tools. To create a cabinet island 1. Click to place a base cabinet in the kitchen area, and select it. On the General panel, specify a Width of 33" and a Depth of 27". For more information on customizing the cabinet face, such as using the Split Vertical and Split Horizontal settings, see Front Panel on page of the Reference Manual. Click OK to close the dialog and apply your changes.
Release the mouse button to create a copy of the original cabinet, as in the image below:. For the next portion of this tutorial, the display of cabinet labels is turned off.
To create a custom countertop 1. Click the Generate Custom Countertop edit button. A new Custom Countertop polyline will be created, replacing the cabinets countertop, and will be selected. With the new custom countertop selected, use its edit handles to reshape it so it covers all of the island cabinets.
Click on the bottom vertical edge of the countertop polyline to make it the Selected Edge. For more information, see Selected Edge on page of the Reference Manual. Use the triangular Reshape edit handle located along the arcs radius to adjust the cuvature of the arc. To temporarily suppress snapping, you can hold down the Ctrl key while you drag the Reshape handle.
A Custom Countertop can also be drawn using the Custom Countertop tool and have an edge molding applied to it. For more information, see Custom Countertops on page of the Reference Manual. Creating Architectural Blocks Groups of items can be blocked together and saved to the library for use in other plans. To create an architectural block 1.
While in floor plan view, group select all objects you would like to include in the architectural block. One way to group select the objects is to hold down the Shift key and select additional objects to add them to the selection set. There are many other ways to select and group select objects.
For more information, see Selecting Objects on page of the Reference Manual. Right-click on the new item in the User Catalog and select Rename from the contextual menu to change the name from "Untitled" to something descriptive like "Kitchen Bar". If you want, you can organize the content in your User Catalog by creating folders and then moving items into those folders.
For more, see Organizing the Library on page of the Reference Manual. This method of editing is very powerful and allows objects to be edited easily in vertical space. Next well edit wall cabinets and add a range hood. For more information about working in 3D views, see Working in 3D on page of the Reference Manual.
Click the Select Objects button, then click on the wall cabinet above the range, which should have double doors and be slightly wider than the base cabinet below it. When the temporary dimension indicates that the cabinet height is 18 inches, release the mouse button.
To place a range hood 1. Find a range hood in the Fixtures catalog and select it for placement. Click above the range to place the hood. If necessary, you can adjust its position and size using its edit handles. Close the current view of the kitchen, go up to Floor 2, and create a Wall Elevation view facing the bathtub in the Master Bathroom. To add tile in a bathroom 1. Use the edit handles to resize the Material Regions top and bottom so that it starts above the bathtub and extends up 4.
On the Structure panel, click on the Edit button next to Material Layers. Insert a third layer, and specify each layer as follows in order. Finally, create one last Material Region above the last that is 18" and uses the Dusk Tile material.
If you need to adjust the position of the Pattern, which displays in the Wall Elevation or other Vector views, or the Texture, which displays in Perspective camera views using the Standard Rendering Technique, then you can adjust the materials definition. To begin, return to your Floor Plan view, if you havent already.
With the current active default highlighted, click on the Edit button to display the Dimension Defaults dialog. On the Primary Format panel, use the drop-down menu for Units: to select ".
On the Locate Objects panel, under the Cabinets heading, check the options you would like to make sure are dimensioned to. Create a Full Camera view that starts from the exterior and release the mouse button in the kitchen.
See To create a camera view on page Use the Mouse-Orbit Camera tool to adjust the cameras perspective. If you want, you can turn off the display of the backdrop in the 3D View Defaults dialog.
Select the flat cut line and use the Position slider to specify the location of the cutting plane. If you would like, you can continue working on this plan in the Materials Tutorial. Materials display on the surfaces of objects in 3D views and can make a 3D view appear highly realistic. When applied to most objects, material quantities will also be calculated in the Materials List. This tutorial continues from where the Kitchen and Bath Design Tutorial ended.
Setting Materials Defaults Material default settings determine the materials used by different objects when they are initially created. Setting the correct material defaults before beginning a project may help you save time.
There are a two options. You can do either or both: Select an item in the tree list and click the Edit button to open the defaults dialog for that type of object. The default dialogs for architectural objects such as doors and windows have a Materials panel that allows you to set the material defaults for object components. See Using the Materials Panel on page Select Materials and click the Edit button to open the Material Defaults dialog.
Here you can set the material defaults for many different objects, including some that do not have default dialogs. See Material Defaults on page of the Reference Manual. When you are finished, click OK to close the defaults dialog, then click Done to close the Default Settings dialog.
Once an object has been placed in a plan, the materials applied to it can be changed in a number of ways. Using the Materials Panel Most objects materials can be assigned in their specification dialog in both 2D and 3D views. The materials used by a door, for example, can be edited on the Materials panel of the Door Specification dialog.
For more information, see Materials Panel on page of the Reference Manual. To change material on an object using the Materials panel 1. Click the Select Objects button, then click on the double door leading from the master bedroom to the deck on Floor 2 to select it.
Click on the name of a material component in the tree list to select it. Find and select a material and click OK. You can continue to specify component materials.
The preview in the dialog updates as changes are made. When finished, click OK to close the specification dialog. Create a Full Camera. The materials used in individual rooms can also be specified. Rooms can be selected in both floor plan and 3D views:. In floor plan view, click in an empty space within a room. When selected, the whole room is highlighted. If you accidentally select an object other than the room, you can press the Tab key on the keyboard until the room is selected.
In the tree list on the Materials panel, select "Molding" under the Crown Molding component and click the Library Material button to open the Select Library Object dialog. There are five Material Painter Modes which specify how broadly or narrowly the selected material will be applied to surfaces in your plan.
In this tutorial, the Component Mode is used. To apply a material using the Material Painter 1. Click the Material Painter button to open the Select Material dialog. Click on the floor of the master bedroom to apply the selected material to that surface, which is a component of the room.
You can also place an area rug symbol from the library in a room and assign to it whatever material you wish. See Placing Library Objects on page With the Material Painter tool you can apply a material to nearly any surface, including many that cant be individually selected like the base molding on a wall or the frame of a window.
When either the Component or Object Modes is active, you can continue to apply the selected material to objects until a different tool is selected. To add artwork to a frame 1. A variety of frames can be found in the Interiors library category. Place a wall or desk frame in your plan and create a camera view in which it can be seen.
Click the Material Painter button to open the Select Library Object dialog and select a painting, photo or print from the Artwork library. The artwork displayed in a frame can also be specified in the frames specification dialog. Blending Colors with Materials Instead of using the Material Painter to replace a material with a new one, you can use it with the Blend Colors With Materials feature to blend a color with a textured material such as the carpet in the master bedroom and create a new material.
To blend a color with a texture 1. When you move your cursor into the view, it displays a paint roller icon When Blend Colors with Materials. Click on the carpet to blend the selected color with the carpet texture. The result is a new material with the textured appearance of the carpet as well as the color you selected.
For example, in the master bedroom the wood material assigned to the crown molding is different than the material assigned to the chair rail and base molding.
They can easily be made the same using the Material Eyedropper. Click on the chair rail and base moldings to apply the loaded material. Using the Color Chooser With the Color Chooser you can load any color that is displayed on your monitor and save it to the library for use in your plans.
Place your mouse pointer over the eyedropper at the right of the dialog, then click and drag the eyedropper to an open image on your screen. Release the mouse button to load the color, then click the Create Material button in the Color Chooser dialog. Click OK to close the Color Chooser dialog. It can be renamed and moved, and is available for use in any plan.
Custom Materials, Images, and Backdrops Chief Architect allows you to customize your 3D views by importing your own materials, image objects, and backdrops that display in 3D views. For more information about images, see Pictures, Images, and Walkthroughs on page of the Reference Manual. Note: The following steps make use of image files that are not included with the program.
You can use image files that are already on your computer or you can create new ones. You can even use the same image file to create a material, an image, and a backdrop. Learning the tools and techniques described is more important than the appearance of the final product. Creating Materials You can create your own custom materials and save them in the library for use in any plan. Many materials are represented in 3D views using textures, which are digital images that have been specially edited to tile seamlessly when applied to a 3D surface.
Bear in mind, therefore, that not all images will necessarily serve as effective material textures. To add a new material to the library. On the Texture panel, click the Browse button to open the Select Texture File dialog, where you can choose an image file saved on your computer to be the new materials texture.
Select an image file and click the Open button to return to the Define Material dialog. Specify the Scale of the texture, which controls how large the image will appear on the surfaces it is applied to. On the Properties panel, specify the Material Class and attributes of the material. A Matte material will most closely resemble cloth, which is what this material will be used for. Click OK to add the new material to the User Catalog. Images have size and height attributes and can contain transparency information.
In floor plan view, they display only as 2D symbols; but in 3D views, the visual information that images contain can be seen. To create an image and save it to the library 1. On the Image panel, click the Browse button and browse to an image file saved on your computer. Here, an image of a cat that has transparency data associated with it is used; however, you can use any image. Click Open to return to the Image Specification dialog. On the Image panel, enter the Height or Width, adjusting one will adjust the other, maintaining the correct proportion.
Enter a Height Above Ground value to specify the elevation at which the image displays. A value of 24 inches works well in this case as well be placing the image on a piece of furniture. Specify the transparency settings on the Transparency panel. Images can be placed in a plan just as plants, furnishings and fixtures are: by selecting the image and clicking any floor plan view, camera view or overview.
Importing Backdrops Backdrops are images that display behind 3D views. In Chief Architect, you can take a photo of a site, save it to the library as a backdrop, and display it behind 3D views to create a realistic rendering of your model and its surrounding view.
To import a backdrop and save it to the library 1. Generating a Materials List To conclude this tutorial, well generate a materials list for the house. You can generate a materials list for a single room, an area of the plan on one floor, or the whole plan. For more information, see Materials Lists on page of the Reference Manual.
Note: The Materials List is only a rough cost estimate. Always compare the Materials List with a manual take-off before providing a quote or ordering materials for a project. Locate the an item, such as one under the Fixtures category.
Click in the Price column and type in a value. Notice that the subtotal and Total both update to reflect the pricing change. You can specify prices for every material in your plan, allowing you to generate a cost estimate. A dialog will give you the opportunity to name and save the Materials List before closing, if you wish. You can generate a materials list to estimate the cost of an entire plan or just a portion of a plan. To calculate a materials list for an individual room 1. The program calculates a list of the objects and materials contained in the selected room.
To calculate a materials list for just the deck 1. Click and drag a rectangle surrounding the an area to display a materials list for the area within the rectangle. The resulting materials list only includes objects and materials located within the rectangle. This tutorial describes how to use Chief Architects Terrain Tools. In it, you will learn how to add elevation information to your terrain, how to create terrain features, and how to add plants and other objects from the library.
It is a good idea to become familiar with the Terrain Tools before beginning your own terrain project. This tutorial continues from where the Materials Tutorial left off, so you may want to save this plan using a new name to archive your previous work.
Creating a Terrain Perimeter The Terrain Perimeter is a closed polyline that defines the boundary of the terrain that generates in 3D views, and of the contour lines that generate in floor plan view.
It can also be used to represent a lot boundary. See Terrain Perimeter on page To create and resize a terrain perimeter 1. See Toolbar Arrangement on page of the Reference Manual. If this menu option is not available in a given plan file, a terrain perimeter already exists.
When they are enabled, a checkmark displays at the bottom corner of the tool icon. Select the Terrain Perimeter by clicking on either the left or right vertical edges. Notice the temporary dimension indicating that the selected edge of the Terrain Perimeter is feet from the opposite edge. Click on the temporary dimension and enter feet using an apostrophe to denote feet , then press Enter.
The program will default to inches if no apostrophe is included. For more information about using dimensions to relocate objects, see Moving Objects Using Dimensions on page of the Reference Manual. Select the top edge of the Terrain Perimeter and use the temporary dimension to position it feet from the opposite edge using the same technique. The Reference Grid, or Virtual Graph Paper, is a visual aid that helps create a sense of scale when drawing.
The Reference Grid is turned off for these tutorials but can be turned on or off in the Plan Defaults dialog. Your house may already be centered on the Terrain Perimeter. If it is not, you can move it. To move the terrain perimeter 1. To place a break on the right segment of the Terrain Perimeter, creating a new corner edit handle at that location, and two separate edges on either side of that handle, use the Break Line. You can then use the new edit handles to adjust the size and shape of the Terrain Perimeter.
Changes to the shape of the Terrain Perimeter can be seen in 3D views as well as in floor plan view. While you can work with two views tiled, you may see slower performance when you do.
To avoid this, simply close a 3D view when you are done viewing or working in it. Displaying Lot Line Information When plans are submitted for approval, bearing information for the lot perimeter is often required.
To display bearing information in floor plan view 1. See To display bearing information in floor plan view on page Click Done to close the Default Settings dialog, and move the Terrain Perimeter so that it looks similar to the image below.
See Creating a Plot Plan on page in the CAD Tutorial for information about creating a plot plan using a propertys legal description. Creating a Walkout Basement Our terrain is currently flat because there is no elevation data in the plan. For more information about elevation information, see Elevation Data Tools on page of the Reference Manual.
You can display all of the tools in the Terrain menu on your toolbars by using the Terrain Configuration. See Toolbar Configurations on page of the Reference Manual. Flatten Pad flattens the building pad around the house. When this is unchecked, the terrain can slope where it intersects the house.
Auto Calculate Elevation places the house at average terrain height. When this is unchecked, the buildings height relative to the terrain can be specified. The Elevation is the distance between the default floor height of Floor 1 and a terrain elevation of 0". In this example, an Elevation of 12 inches is used to lower the terrain 12 inches below the first floor.
Click OK to close the Terrain Specification dialog. When the ends of an Elevation Lines are drawn near one another, they will snap together to form a polyline. Values entered are in inches unless the foot ' mark is added. Negative values should be preceded with a hyphen -. To make it easier to draw, you may want to turn off the display of these lines. Creating a Retaining Wall Adding a retaining wall helps create a flat building pad near the garage.
For more information see Retaining Walls on page of the Reference Manual. Read more. Shareware Junction periodically updates pricing and software information of Chief Architect X2 v. Software piracy is theft, Using crack, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks is illegal and prevent future development of Chief Architect X2 v.
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Chief Architect, Inc. Mineral Dr. Coeur dAlene, Idaho chiefarchitect. No part of this book or the accompanying software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Chief Architect, Inc. Chief Architect is a registered trademark of Chief Architect, Inc. All rights reserved. This software uses the FreeImage open source image library.
This software uses the Ruby open нажмите для продолжения library. This application incorporates Teigha software pursuant to a license agreement with Open Design Alliance.
Teigha Copyright by Open Design Alliance. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of Chief Architect, Inc. Contents Chapter 1: Installation System Requirements Chapter 8: Deck Tutorial Decks and Porches Drawing Decks Chapter Layout Tutorial Getting Started System Requirements In по ссылке to install and run Chief Architect, your computer system must meet the following minimum requirements:.
High speed Internet for registration, license authentication, deactivation, video access, content downloads. Internet access for license authentication is required once every 14 days. For more information about system recommendations, visit our Web site at chiefarchitect. Browse to the Digital Locker chief architect x2 tutorial free, select the version that you would like, click the Download button, and save the file to your local hard drive.
Select an easy to find Save in location on your computer, such as your Documents folder or Windows Desktop, then click Save. Installing Chief Architect When the installer file is completely downloaded, browse to its save location and double-click on it to launch the program installer. In Windows, the Setup Wizard will launch automatically.
If it does not, press the Windows key on your keyboard, then select Computer. Right-click on your DVD drive and select Open from the menu, then double-click on the file with your programs name and the. If it does not, right-click on the disk icon on your desktop and select Open from the menu. Then, double-click on the file with the. Depending on whether or not you have installed the program on this computer before, chief architect x2 tutorial free text in this window may vary.
Click Next to continue. If you have installed the program before, this window will display, allowing you to reinstall or uninstall the program. If you are installing the program for the first time, this window will not display.
Read the License Agreement carefully. You must check the box beside I accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement before installing.
Click the Advanced button if youd like to specify a non-default installation location or exclude supplementary content from being installed. Click Install to begin installing the software. The Setup Wizard will chief architect x2 tutorial free copying files to your hard disk.
This may take a few minutes. This window appears only if you click the Advanced button, and then the Change button, in the previous windows. Choose the destination folder for the program. If you autodesk autocad 2020 free a different location, click drop-down arrow chief architect x2 tutorial free the right of the Look in: location and navigate to the desired location on your hard drive. You can chief architect x2 tutorial free type the full pathname of the installation directory in the Folder name: field.
Click OK to proceed to the next window. Note: Regardless of the location that you specify here, the programs library content will be installed in your computers ProgramData folder. You can use this window to specify chief architect x2 tutorial free features you wish to install. Click on продолжить чтение line item to select chief architect x2 tutorial free.
Information about its contents and hard drive space requirements displays beneath the list of features. Click the drop-down arrow beside a line item to specify how it is installed. By default, Entire feature will be installed is selected for all line items.
Choose Entire feature will be unavailable to chief architect x2 tutorial free a selected subfeature from being installed. When this option is selected, a red X will display beside the line items drop-down arrow. The top level feature chief architect x2 tutorial free be excluded from installing. If you decide to not proceed with the program installation, click the Cancel button. Click Install перейти на страницу install the program and supplemental content as specified.
The Setup Wizard will begin copying files to your hard disk after a few moments and a green progress bar in this window will show the status of this process. When all files have been copied, this dialog will display.
Click Finish to launch Chief Architect. Installing Your Optional Hardware Lock Hardware Lock Security is chief architect x2 tutorial free alternative to the standard, internet based license security used by Chief Architect Pro licenses and can be used on Windows посетить страницу источник systems only.
USB Hardware Locks. You will not be able to operate Chief Architect Pro unless this lock is attached to the computer you wish to launch the program on, so please take care of it. Before Installing Your Lock Do not plug the hardware lock into your computer until you have completed the preceding Chief Architect installation instructions.
When you launch the program for the first time, the Product Activation dialog will open. This dialog will also open if you have previously deactivated your license on the current computer, or if you are converting a Trial Version installation into the full software version. Enter your Product Key, which is located in the account information from your download or on a sticker inside your DVD case.
Click the Activate button to launch the program. Not available unless a valid Product Key has been entered. If your product key is not associated with a User Account on our web site, the Register Chief Architect License dialog will open next.
So that you can take full advantage of our online resources, click the Register License button and take a moment to associate your software license with a User Account on our web site, chiefarchitect.
Migrating Library Catalogs If you have Chief Architect version X2 through X6 installed on your computer, the Migrate Library Catalogs dialog will display after you activate the license, allowing you to migrate library content for use in Chief Architect X7. If multiple legacy versions are present, only the content associated with the most recent will be migrated.
See Library Content on page of the Reference Manual. Uncheck the box beside a library catalogs name to prevent it from migrating into the version X7 Library Browser. Click the Select All button below a list to migrate all catalogs in that list into the version X7 library. Click the Clear All button below a list to migrate none of the catalogs in that list into the version X7 library. When this is checked, your version X6 custom library content will be migrated and placed in your User Catalog.
To convert this custom content for use in Version X7, click Yes. Library content from Chief Architect 10 or prior cannot be converted for use in Version X7 automatically; however, you can convert this content yourself. Program Updates From time to time, Chief Architect releases Chief Architect program updates that are available for download free of charge from the Chief Architect web site, chiefarchitect.
When a program update is available, this dialog will display when the program is opened:. Program updates are not patches: when an update is installed, the previous version is uninstalled and нажмите чтобы перейти the new version is installed.
Library content, Preference settings, and information saved узнать больше здесь the programs Data посмотреть еще are not affected by program updates. If you prefer that the program not check for program updates every time it launches, you can disable this feature in the Preferences dialog. See General Panel on page 96 of the Reference Manual. Installing on Multiple Computers A license of Chief Architect can only be active on one computer at any given time.
If you have chief architect x2 tutorial free running the software on one computer and wish to run it on a different computer, or if you wish to rename your computer, you must deactivate your license first. An active Internet connection is required to deactivate a Chief Продолжить license. License activations can also be deactivated in your User Account on our web site, chiefarchitect. Click the Deactivate button to deactivate your license on the computer where it is currently active, making it available for use on another computer.
If you have installed both the bit and the bit version of Chief Architect X7 Premier and deactivate one of these, both will automatically become deactivated.
If you are chief architect x2 tutorial free hardware lock security, you do not need to deactivate your license. Instead, attach the lock to the computer you wish to use before launching Chief Architect.
See Your Hardware Lock on жмите сюда This does not deactivate the license, however, so you may want to deactivate your license before removing the program. On a Windows computer, there are two ways that Chief Architect can be removed: chief architect x2 tutorial free the Control Panel and using the Setup Wizard on the program disk.
Please note that if you do not have an active Internet connection, your license will not become deactivated. To remove the program using the Windows Control Panel 1. Launch your downloaded chief architect x2 tutorial free installer or place the disc in the DVD drive and select Install Chief Architect from the Chief Architect startup window.
On the Setup Maintenance page, select Uninstall and click Next. A message will display, asking if you would like to remove the selected application and its components. When Chief Architect is uninstalled, neither the Chief Architect Data folder nor the library content is removed from the system.
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